Compañía 8 Segundos Danza –Ciudades Invisibles
About the piece
Seven characters are on a journey: they arrive at unknown places, are chased in the dark and strengthen human ties in the heat of a campfire. Each one with their history, their origin and uncertainty in their future; trying to get forward.
People are in constant transit: we change country, neighborhood, state or emotion. We seek to take root; perhaps longing for the place where we were born or screaming and questioning the broken world in which we live. Las “Ciudades Invisibles” are built within us, from experiences, places and people that mark our journey.
“Invisible Cities” arises from the desire for a creative encounter between people, in a world that currently seems to defy all logic. Finalist work for the Guillermo Arriaga National Dance Award (Mexico, 2021).
About the company
“8 Segundos Danza” was born in 2010, under the direction of Jairo Cruz and Lorena Carrión. In 2017, Paulina del Carmen joined the direction during her and Cruz’s stay at the CEPRODAC Contemporary Dance Production Center.
Since its foundation, the company has been present on different stages in Mexico, Cuba, Costa Rica and Spain, obtaining in the latter destination the award for best contemporary dance choreography at the Burgos and New York competitions in 2014. Among the works of the repertoire are: “Memento” (2010), “The patio of my house” (2012), “The devil to his children” (2014), “Saudade” (2016), “Great Machine” (2017), “Memories” (2017), “Good Parenting” (2019) and “Ciudades Invisibles” (2021) – finalist piece for the Guillermo Arriaga National Dance Award, in Mexico; time when Roberto Mosqueda is integrated, as a collaborator of the project.
The company’s work also extends to audiovisual creation, with the development of works such as: “Shadows” (2020), “Building” (2020) and “MUTE” (2020) with the National Contemporary Dance Company of Argentina.
This project is thanks to the support of
National Institute of Fine Arts and Literature (Mexico) through the National Dance Coordination (Mexico)
Autonomous Metropolitan University (Mexico) through its Diffusion Directorate and the Casa de la Paz Theater
Antonio Lozano Gracia and Associates, S.C.
To our family and friends
Sunday october 9
8:00 pm | Xielo
Tickets for sale
Country: México
Category: Selected Company
Direction, Creation and Interpretation: Jairo Cruz González / Paulina Fernández / Roberto Mosqueda